#175: Growing a Career in Sports Through an MBA

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Today’s guest host is Brad Vonick, a Texas McCombs MBA Graduate and friend of MBA Insider.

Today’s guest is Greg Labanowski, a Texas McCombs MBA Graduate from the Class of 2022. In college, Greg was a member of the USC men’s tennis team, and was able to pursue his passion to work in sports prior to getting his MBA. After a few years in the industry, he chose to pursue an MBA and attend Texas McCombs to further his career.

During this conversation, Greg spoke about his journey to an MBA and how his time at McCombs and in business school helped him grow for his post-MBA career. Brad and Greg also talked in depth about the definition of career and professional success, and some of the steps Greg took to learn and grow in his career.

Listen today on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Greg: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greglabanowski/