#157: Life and Career Transitions After Business School

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Stephanie Lio is a Kellogg MBA Graduate and a Product Marketer in the Tech Industry. After starting her career as a management consultant, Stephanie went to the Kellogg School of Management to pursue an MBA, and pivot to a new career. 

After graduating from Kellogg and entering the product marketing and tech industry, Stephanie has now held product marketing roles at multiple tech companies and navigated through a few years of her post MBA career, which has allowed her to reflect, think deeply, and evolve her own thinking on work, career, and life, and the most important priorities in each area as well as the relationships and interconnectedness of all three.

During this conversation, we spoke about Stephanie’s career and work journey, transitions, and the importance of finding your own intrinsic motivations for pursuing work and careers, and how to define your own version of success.

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