Thank You From the MBASchooled Family!

It goes without saying that this year went a little unexpected and was incredibly challenging. Despite these challenges,  At MBASchooled. we’re incredibly grateful to our readers, listeners and supporters. The community of people is what makes this special, and we’re so grateful for your support, feedback and contributions. 

As we get to the end of the year, we’re taking a step back to reflect but also to give thanks and gratitude – despite what this year was (and wasn’t) we’ve been fortunate in so many ways. To commemorate the end of the semester and year, we asked our MBASchooled Ambassadors to tell us:

  1. What are you grateful for and why?
  2. Who is one person you are grateful for and why?

Here is what they had to say:

Jill Toner (UNC Kenan-Flagler, ‘22)

This year, I am incredibly thankful for the Kenan-Flagler community. Particularly, the 2nd year consulting students have been tremendously helpful in casing, giving advice on classes, and preparing for interviews. Their guidance and support has helped me get through the craziness of the first semester of business school. I’ve seen the “Carolina Way” come to life with my classmates, even in the virtual world, and I am so thankful to be a part of the Class of 2022. 

Furthermore, I am thankful for my parents, who have been supportive every step of the way over the last few months! Both my mom and dad always know the right words to say when I’m feeling overwhelmed, and help to reinstall confidence for me when I start to doubt myself. I am so lucky to have two people who consistently believe in me, and encourage me to believe in my goals.


Joey Parker (UC Berkeley Haas, ‘21)

This year, I’m thankful to have had the opportunity this year to reflect on what’s important to me, what isn’t, and where I should be prioritizing differently. I never expected things to change so suddenly or drastically like they did, but I’m optimistic for the future and what 2021 will bring.

Additionally, I am grateful for my Mom. Throughout my life, and during this pandemic, she has held our family together through relentless struggle and hard work. I aspire each day to emulate her work ethic and hopefully one day repay her for the sacrifices she has made for my siblings and me.


Laura Ding (NYU Stern, 22)

I’m thankful for the fact that during these uncertain times, I still have the luxury to be a MBA student. Everyday I am able to learn from brilliant professors to close the gap in my knowledge of so many areas such as finance, operations, and statistics. Furthermore, there is so much information that can be accessed at the tip of my fingertips in the form of workshops, seminars, and club events. Sometimes it may be easy to get caught up in the frenzy and stress of the MBA experience, but I fully realize how lucky I am to be able to be in this position – and I am truly thankful for it. 


I am thankful for one of my classmates at Stern (hi Ploymai!). We have similar interests and recruiting goals, so we have partnered to do many things together such as coffee chats and homework sets. As we approach the busiest time of the semester with finals, group projects, and recruiting deadlines piling onto each other, we have been able to encourage and share information with each other as we navigate the process. 


LA Martz, Rice ‘22

Despite this challenging year and a nontraditional start to business school, there are many things I am thankful for in 2020. One that stands out is the new community I found as an MBA student at Rice Business. Our faculty and administration worked hard to provide a safe learning environment that has allowed me to bond with inspiring classmates. 

There have also been opportunities to interact virtually with other Forte Foundation fellows and MBASchooled ambassadors from around the country. It is a privilege to make so many connections in this time of widespread isolation.

One person I am thankful for is my friend, Whitney Schultz. We met several years ago in West Texas as geoscientists interning for the same company. Whitney has always been a balanced individual (e.g., eating healthy, exercising regularly, etc.) and thus, a good influence. Our career paths both brought us to Houston, and we began business school at the same time. No matter how crazy our schedules get, we hold ourselves accountable for one morning walk every weekend to stay connected. She has been a great sounding board and someone I can always depend on.


Margaret Nealon (USC Marshall, ‘22)

I’m thankful for being able to work from home having a flexible schedule this semester. While there were definitely some pros and cons to having a fully-virtual Fall semester, I am happy that I was able to spend some time working from new cities as I made my move to LA for school. It’s been a great opportunity to explore the outdoors a little more than I would have done in a regular semester.

I’m thankful for my dad because he has pushed me to make the most of my career. He was my advocate for attending Marshall and pursuing my MBA, and he has really been my #1 supporter since Day 1.


Nasim Mirzai (Fuqua, ‘21)

I’m thankful to be part of Team Fuqua/the Duke MBA community! It’s a tough time for everyone, but I feel comforted knowing that I have this support group behind me. As difficult as it has been to do classwork virtually, I am glad that I still feel like I am part of a community during this pandemic.

I am thankful for all of my friends that I have been able to speak/text with on a daily basis. I am thankful for their positivity and support, which has made life feel a bit less isolating and difficult during these past few months.