Episode #71: RocketBlocks and Product Management Interview Prep

Kenton Kivestu is a Tuck MBA Graduate and the Founder of Rocketblocks a comprehensive skills driven interview pre platform that he founded while a second year MBA student at Tuck. During our conversation, Kenton spoke about the journey and idea for founding Rocketblocks, common challenges and mistakes MBA students make in the product management interview preparation process, and his advice to MBA students on how they can successfully put together a plan to prepare for product management interviews.

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Topics Covered

  • Kenton’s background, and decision to pursue an MBA
  • Kenton’s experience at Tuck, and what caused him too pursue the path of entrepreneurship
  • What is Rocketblocks, and how does it help job seekers
  • Product Management Interview mistakes that MBA students make
  • Advice on how to put together a plan for preparing for Product Management Interviews

