Episode #55: The MBA Management Consulting Recruiting Process

Nilay Ajbani is a 2nd Year MBA Student at USC Marshall and the President of the Marshall Consulting and Strategy Club. During Ajbani’s first year as an MBA, he recruited for management consulting, and shared a timeline of his recruiting process and how he managed through the highs and lows. Ajbani also talked about some of the setbacks and challenges, and how using a growth mindset enabled him to thrive and learn through his experience. Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify today

Topics Covered:

  • Nilay’s background and journey to Marshall
  • A month by month timeline of MBA Management Consulting Recruiting
  • The highs and lows of the management consulting recruiting process
  • How a growth mindset helps you rebound from challenges
  • Advice for MBAs interested in management consulting and navigating the recruiting process