Lets Put in The Work

I’m having a hard time writing this post without saying something that sounds trite or overused, and quite frankly, there are other voices that need to be heard so I want to keep this short. My heart aches for the Black community, people of color, and the others that support it. I am committed to doing what I can to support, to be anti-racist, fight hate, and create cultures, teams, and communities that are inclusive and equitable. Black Lives Matter. Full Stop.

As it’s already been said by many, we as a society and specifically as allies need to do better, we need to show up, and to put in the work to support those who have been fighting for these causes for a long time. We also need to show empathy – there are two ways to do this 1) is to educate yourself and 2) is to listen. If you want ways to do this there are a number of great posts like this one, this one, this one and this one. Keep in mind what your parents (or mine) told you growing up: you were given 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason!

With that, I want to share how I am going to respond:

1) Providing a platform – We have a humble but growing platform at MBASchooled and I want to use it to amplify the voices that need to be heard. If you have something you are working on that you’d like to share or have shared, please email us at mbaschooled at gmail.com and we’ll do our best to find the right avenue to share it.

2) Creating Space – Another way we are going to help is to create space to have conversations through the form of events focused on talking about the challenging and hard issues. Stay tuned for more details.

3) Amplifying Work and Sharing Ideas – There is action being taken right now across MBA programs in a variety of forms. We’re going to share as much of these as possible. If your school or student organization is doing something that you want to share, or you think others could benefit from, please e-mail me directly at al at mbaschooled.com and I will find a way to highlight it. You can check out our resource page here.

A lot of work needs to be done. So let’s roll up or sleeves and get to work.

There are lots of great organizations who are on the front lines putting in the work who could use your money. Here are the ones that I have chosen.

The NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund

George Floyd Memorial Fund

Minnesota Freedom Fund