Episode #15: The Importance of Career Development for MBA Students and Graduates

As an HR Leader at a fast-growing tech company, and author of the career development book Not Your Parents Workplace, Nathan Tanner knows a thing or two about career development. After starting his career in 2008 and having three jobs in one year, Tanner learned the importance of being adaptable and flexible while also embracing each job by making the most of the experience, no matter how challenging or exciting it was. In this episode, Nathan shares his MBA journey, how business school helped him refine his approach to career development, and his advice to MBA students about how to take the career skills you learn in business school and apply them to achieve your own version of success. Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Show Notes

  • 7:00 – Nathan shares how he got an idea to write a book while an MBA student, and the inspiration for Not Your Parents Workplace
  • 14:00 – Nathan shares some of the key insights from Not Your Parents Workplace, and some of his career journey to date, including 3 jobs in his first year out of college
  • 16:00 – Nathan shares some of the new rules of work and the important skills in today’s workplace
  • 17:24 – Nathan talks about his first year out of college and joining Lehman Brothers in 2008
  • 22:04 – Nathan talks about the challenges of being unemployed after getting laid off
  • 23:08 – Al talks about the importance of resilience during a job search
  • 25:00 – Nathan talks about what business school taught him about career progression and career development
  • 29:14 – Nathan talks about his first job after business school, the things that were consistent with his thoughts, but also some of the surprises of the first post-MBA job
  • 30:50 – Nathan talks about a challenging experience in his first role, and how he navigated through it to make the most of the experience
  • 37:10 – Al shares some of the challenges professionals have when navigating career development in the workplace
  • 39:15 – Nathan shares what he wish he knew before he started business school
  • 43:50 – Nathan talks about the desire to compare yourself with others, and how he has overcome that
  • 46:10 – Nathan talks about how self-reflection and introspection are valuable aspects of business school, and how they can be applied after you graduate
  • 49:50 – Nathan shares his thoughts on what MBA students should be thinking about as they consider the “Future of Work” and the importance of adaptability and flexibility
